You are the “i” in iConsumer

By: Kim Logan | September 10, 2018

 Invested. Involved. Informed.   I was asked recently what the “i” in iConsumer stood for and at first I didn’t have a clue.  Coming from a previous site with an “i” in the name ( and the prevalence of Apple branded “i” gadgets and services, it seemed natural to me that our site would be “iConsumer”.  But … Continue reading You are the “i” in iConsumer

CEO Letter- OTC Market activity- 8/30/18

By: Robert Grosshandler | August 30, 2018

Our shareholders and customers (all 50,000+ of them so far) came for the experience of being an investor in an early stage startup.  We’re working hard to honor that.  To be as transparent as possible as we pioneer the journey for a crowdfunded startup through to something we hope becomes much, much bigger.  Becoming traded … Continue reading CEO Letter- OTC Market activity- 8/30/18

Letter from the CEO – August 9, 2018

By: Robert Grosshandler | August 09, 2018

The summer months are being particularly busy for us.  This month’s letter is basically a pointer to several things everybody should be aware of about iConsumer. Shareholder webinar On August 15, we’re hosting a webinar and you’re invited.  Main focus is on the ins and outs of being a publicly traded company, what that means … Continue reading Letter from the CEO – August 9, 2018

An open letter to early investors

By: Robert Grosshandler | August 08, 2018

I have two asks of you.  This is an open letter, because the asks, while directed at early investors, involve the buying and selling of iConsumer stock.  It’s important that everybody gets equal notice of what we’re suggesting people do to make it possible for ordinary people to get a slice of the American Dream. … Continue reading An open letter to early investors

An open letter to investors

By: Robert Grosshandler | July 22, 2018

Dear Investor – With iConsumer having traded at $.51/share several times this past week, and $.225/share just before that, I think we’ve hit an inflection point.  Our customers certainly do.  As predicted, a higher stock price motivates customers and prospective customers to shop more.  Revenues are beginning to reflect that. Customers and prospective customers see … Continue reading An open letter to investors

SEC Qualified! & hoorah!

By: Robert Grosshandler | June 11, 2018

In January, we started the process to get our offering SEC qualified.  On June 13, 2018, the SEC qualified that offering.  That means we can resume awarding our members stock for their activities on iConsumer for purchases that happened beginning June 13, 2018.  And it means we can use our traded stock (OTCQB: RWRDP) to … Continue reading SEC Qualified! & hoorah!

Amended Offering Statement Filed – Form 1/A/A

By: Robert Grosshandler | June 09, 2018

On Thursday, June 7th, we filed what we hope is the final version of the Offering Statement.  We have reason to believe that the SEC will qualify this Offering Statement in the coming week.

Rescission Offer

By: Robert Grosshandler | June 09, 2018

As you may remember from all the places we display this information on our site, we need to have a Qualified Offering Statement in effect at the time you complete the process of earning our stock. For a long list of reasons having to do with being a pioneer, iConsumer did NOT have such an … Continue reading Rescission Offer

Amended Offering Statement Filed – Form 1/A

By: Robert Grosshandler | May 29, 2018

We’re getting closer.  Last week, we filed what might be the final version of our offering statement.  We’re certainly hoping it is.  The SEC has ten business days to respond. You can see it on the SEC.GOV site. Also of note, as of May 24, 2018 and until this offering is qualified, members are not … Continue reading Amended Offering Statement Filed – Form 1/A

Letter from the CEO – May 13, 2018

By: Robert Grosshandler | May 13, 2018

Short and sweet this month.  Four things of note: 1. We’ve filed our newest version of our $15,000,000 offering circular (our 1/A/A) with the SEC.  We anticipate a June or July qualification by the SEC.  Read all about it here.  Highlights include a much more detailed discussion of our intention to build our own blockchain-based … Continue reading Letter from the CEO – May 13, 2018