I just ate my first meal in a restaurant in almost three months. Granted, I was in the wide open window and I had to pull down my mask to take a bite of my breakfast sandwich, but normalcy is beginning to return. As my neighbor said: “a weird normal”.

At iConsumer, some very not weird things are happening. Our new member acquisition rate continues to be double or better from pre-pandemic days. Our revenue rate continues to be up. On some days (too few still), non-Amazon revenue is at 20X pre-pandemic levels. New members are shopping (as you should be, too). We were approved for an SBA EIDL loan which, when disbursed, should help with near term cash requirements.
On the other hand, 20X revenue just gets us back to where we were pre-pandemic from a cash generation standpoint, so we still have a ways to go to be cash flow positive. Maximum cash back (the 95% of our commission revenue we’re sharing) has attracted shoppers that hope we make a mistake and pay them, even if we don’t get paid or their purchase is later reversed. We expected that, we think we’re ready, but time will tell.
We’re going to keep maximum cash back in place through at least the end of June. Normalcy is returning, but it’s not here yet.

One of the reasons I like posting these updates is that it means that we keep a level playing field for all investors and prospective investors. No inside information. That even affects me. From time to time I’ll buy some of our stock on the open market. Or I’ll tell friends and family to buy. I’m not telling them (or you) to do this based on some secret knowledge of the future or of our prospects. Any internal reason I can think of about iConsumer’s goodness as an investment is out there for all to see.
Heck, if I were going to tell people to sell because of something happening inside iConsumer, I’d post the reasons why here.
Because we’re discussing preliminary results that may affect investment decisions, we are treating this post as a required notice under Regulation FD.
As always, our disclaimer / safe harbor statement accompanies this post.