The most effective marketing comes from people telling people about something. That’s doubly true for iConsumer. That’s why we pay you $10 and a bunch of stock when you help grow the company you own.
Each iConsumer shopper is worth around $200 (maybe more) when it comes time to sell iConsumer to some bigger company (or the public in an IPO). That’s around what Honey got when they sold. eBates got around $435 per member. You reap the benefit of that astounding number because you’re an owner. But that’s a future payday, and we all have bills to pay in the here and now.

Each shopper generates money for iConsumer. That’s the here and now for both iConsumer and you. Getting stock along with cash gives you a stake in recruiting better shoppers (the more they shop, the better we do, hopefully the higher the stock price).
Take a moment to tell friends and help their futures come true, while helping the present be a little more comfortable for yourself.
We’ll get through all of this. Wouldn’t it be nice to have something to look forward to?