Each month we’ve been sharing our Amazon results because how we’re doing at Amazon gives us, and you, insights that we think are valuable.
This month, we’re adding our membership growth results for additional insights.
This post also has an ulterior motive beyond knowledge and insights. It also gives us a chance to nudge you to use iConsumer when you shop at Amazon. We understand that the fact that Amazon doesn’t give us member by member information sorta sucks. But we hope the fact that they pay us reasonably well for your shopping via iConsumer makes up for that. It helps us, which enriches you.
We’re going to see what happens when we also more visibly share our membership numbers. It is possible for anybody to see that for themselves, but we’re going to try to make it easier to follow.
Amazon July 2021 was 151% of July, 2020
Up again, but the trend continues to show a slowing down of our growth. More indication that we’re beginning to see the end of the pandemic related changes to our results. Normal is definitely returning.
Membership grew 1% in July 2021 over June 2021, and ~12% July 2021 over July 2020

Members are those who registered. Current eliminates those members who left us.
Reminder: Shopping at Amazon is Valuable
Amazon pays us about 3% in commissions. For every $100 you spend there, we see about $3. That $3 goes to our bottom line. If we had a 47 P/E (like RetailMeNot’s Price to Earnings Ratio was at one point), that $3 turns into $141 of market cap. That is, in that scenario, iConsumer became worth $141 more.
Your shopping at Amazon has the direct ability to affect iConsumer’s stock price.
Want to know more about market cap? Visit last month’s post.
As always, the lawyers appreciate it when I mention that these numbers are preliminary and subject to change.