The new year has started, and we’re grateful.
I think the most important observation is that our singular message of stock as a reward (Crowd Built, Crowd Owned) has traction. I’m very glad that cash back and Bitcoin back are in our rear view mirror.
Here are our Amazon results, as well as some membership numbers. As always, because the Amazon results may influence investor behavior, we share them with all investors (potential and actual), at the same time, via these blog posts. The membership numbers are always updated on our site, so anybody can see those at any time they wish.
In comparing year over year numbers for Amazon, please remember that our commission rate changed, from approximately 5% down to approximately 3% (a 40% reduction). Which means that people had to shop Amazon more, just for iConsumer to stay even (and we grew!).
Our Amazon revenues grew 193% from the 4th quarter of 2019 to the 4th quarter of 2020.
And the story on the membership side is also gratifying. To best understand these numbers, please recall that on October 23, we returned to a reward of completely Stock Back (no longer could you earn Cash Back).

As part of returning to completely stock back as the reward for joining, referring, and shopping, we began to re-emphasize that iConsumer is a “long term” investment. We do not expect the people who earn our stock to immediately turn around and sell the shares they earn.
Stock Price
For whatever reason, our stock price has been moving in the right direction. I think (but have no proof) that an increasing stock price helps our sales (more people want to join and shop when they see the stock price moving up). Here’s a graph recapping the last bit of time for our stock price.

Looking Forward
We’ve begun preparing our year end financials. Look for those late in April. On top of that, we’re due to file a new offering circular before June. In order to make that process a little easier on us, we’re preparing to file it (our 1-A) possibly as early as February.
Our 1-A is the SEC required document that gives permission to share ownership in iConsumer with millions of members, legally. Here’s the current offering circular. And all of our SEC required filings are organized here.