OTC and Stock Transfers Update

By: Robert Grosshandler | July 1, 2020

Until shareholders can more easily (and cheaply) transfer their stock from our transfer agent into their brokerage accounts, we don’t see much value in paying for OTC Market’s QB designation. It costs a lot, and currently doesn’t bring us enough value.

Therefore, beginning July 2, 2020, if you visit the OTC site for a RWRDP stock quote, you won’t see us being “QB”. Most other stock quote sites didn’t highlight the fact that we were “QB” (one of the many reasons we decided not to continue paying for it). QB is an indicator that our company is more transparent with reporting than the standard OTC quoted company. We intend to continue our reporting (and any other QB requirements) as if we were QB designated.

On the stock transfer front, it continues to seem that if you’re a long standing customer, some of the brokerage firms will accept deposits of our stock. It also continues to be the case that boutique brokerage firms (that’s another way of saying expensive) will probably accept deposits of our stock.

We have dialogs going with FINRA and the SEC on this issue. Getting more stock into the market will help liquidity, which should help our stock price.

The best thing to help our price is company performance. That means more people shopping more! Stop reading … go shop.
