I have a theory. I think our members get excited when they see our stock price move upwards over the course of several days. And the theory says that excitement translates into more shopping. More shopping is supposed to translate into more revenue and profits. More revenue and profits are supposed to (no guarantees) translate into a higher stock price. Which is supposed to translate into more shopping, which …. you get it.
This week, I’m urging everybody I talk to to consider buying iConsumer stock (RWRDP) in the market. Not suggesting anybody go crazy, and definitely not suggesting anybody is going to make a killing. Instead, there are several other reasons I’d like people to buy. First, activity this week is good. We’re presenting at an investment conference, and that’ll just make us more interesting. Second, maybe my theory is right. Our stock is so illiquid that any real buying has a good possibility of making the stock price move, and potentially upwards. At the end of the day, getting people to shop starts the self-fulfilling prophecy happening.

Don’t get me wrong. I want people to make a killing speculating on iConsumer’s stock. But it’s a long-term killing. Nothing overnight. Think years, not weeks. Meanwhile, they get to learn about what it means to be a shareholder in a public startup.