Share Issuance Price Change

By: Robert Grosshandler | December 6, 2019

Because this blog is our “official” spot for announcements that affect shareholders and prospective shareholders, we’re including this bit of truly boring information.

Issuer Direct, our transfer agent, used to charge $25 to transfer your shares from their books onto the books of a broker. Recently, they increased their price for that service to $50.

iConsumer has offered to pay that $25 if you were transferring at least 5,000 shares. As of January 12, 2020, we’ll pay up to $50 of transfer fee, so long as you’re transferring at least 10,000 shares.

Issuer Direct has also changed their pricing for transfers of share information ONTO their books, from iConsumer. Through January 12, 2020, we are covering that fee so long as you are transferring at least 1,000 shares. As of January 12, 2020, we’ll cover the fee so long as you’re transferring at least 2,500 shares.
