Amazon & Membership August Results

By: Robert Grosshandler | September 3, 2021

Here’s another month’s worth of information. As you’ll see, some of the trends that I wanted to tell my friends and family about are beginning to show up in our numbers.

I’m quite pleased with Amazon this month (it’s one of our canaries in our coal mine – a leading indicator). As always, these numbers are preliminary, subject to change without notice, and may not be a good leading indicator.

Amazon August 2021 was 347% of August, 2020.

This is good. Last month, we worried that our Amazon revenue growth was slowing. As I mentioned in my friends and family post, we’re trying some new things. They’re beginning to pay off. Some of our Amazon growth appears to be a direct result of our new efforts. Obviously, we’re going to continue with those efforts.

Now for membership numbers again. You can see our membership numbers any time you want on our site, but I think a recap is helpful.

August members were up 1.1% over July and up 11.4% over the same time last year.

That’s growth, certainly, but we’re working to get that rate up. One of the things that more revenue from Amazon gets us is more budget for membership acquisition. No pretty chart this time, but it would look a lot like last month’s.

Broken record time

Take a moment to make your company more valuable. Remember to shop 2300+ stores via iConsumer (for those of you with pets, we just added Chewy). Use this link to shop Amazon.
