Letter from a shareholder

By: Robert Grosshandler | July 23, 2019

July 22, 2019

Once again I get the great pleasure of sharing an email sent to support as a way of letting all shareholders get more insight into what we’re trying to accomplish. Today’s email comes from “S”. I have changed some of the specifics to make it more general and more anonymous.

Shareholder writes: “Although I’m OK with earning stocks instead of cash, there may be members who will not be happy with this change.  I hope it will not negatively impact the program, similar to when cash was switched to bitcoin and the program took a hit.  One of the attractive features was having 3 different options for rebates (cash, stock and bitcoin) to recruit others with.  I think having more options is always better.  Something to please everybody is always better.  Anyways, just my 2 cents.”

I expect both positive and negative results, but obviously, net positive is the goal. Bitcoin was interesting, but in the end, the audience for it wasn’t large enough.

I agree that having 3 different options is attractive, lots of choice. I’m with you on that. But choice isn’t good when you’re trying to be laser-focused with your marketing messages. Several sets of marketing professionals pleaded with us to simplify. We’ve been testing the stock only message for several months, and felt that, now that our stock is truly a “happening thing”, we could become simpler.

Shareholder continued: “I’m hoping I am wrong on this, but having spoken to a couple of my referrals, they are disappointed that they will not be getting cash anymore.  I know they do not see the big picture.  They are not stock investors to begin with, so can’t blame them for their disappointment.  

Also, I would like to know if I can still cash out in bitcoin for those referrals who I am earning bitcoin forever on.  I would prefer to not convert my bitcoin to stock. “

I am certain some people will stop using us. We’ll be sad to see them go. But our message is “stock’s the thing, the future is what we’re focused on”, and we’re not right for them anymore.

We haven’t gotten rid of being able to get paid out in Bitcoin for existing or new balances. As to whether or not they’re going to continue to earn Bitcoin, that’s a question we need to address.

Thanks again for being a shareholder!
