Simple: Shop today, win tomorrow, learn along the way.
Earning stock has so much more potential than merely earning pennies from cash back shopping. Let’s not kid ourselves. Getting that stock to sell for $1, $2 or even $4 per share, up from today’s $.10 or $.12, will be over the top sweet. From $.10 to $4 … that’s potential.
Let me backup: We started iConsumer because we saw a need for regular people to engage with our economy–to get a piece of the capitalist action and learn about the stock market. We could make it free and simple and even more rewarding by tying it to something everybody does anyway — shop. In order to get this new and unfamiliar idea rolling before we’d gotten regulatory approvals, we began with the familiar, a slight modification of what big-wigs like eBates do. We offered cash back, in addition to iConsumer stock.
That cash back interim step is no longer needed.

iConsumer is about tomorrow and the people who care about tomorrow. Our members don’t have the patience for wishy-washy messaging or halfway measures. It’s time for the next step in our progression to $4/share because, finally, all the pieces are in place. iConsumer rewards you with a piece of tomorrow.
We’re moving beyond the uninspiring, short-term thinking of cash back to laser-focus on stock as the reward and hypercharge long-term stock price growth. Using stock as our sole reward concentrates our efforts on the two most powerful engines for growth and stock price that we could possibly have: Cash and profits. It concentrates our message on ordinary folks who want to be the vanguard in taking active control of their futures and gives us a chance to help them learn more about that journey.
Cash, profits, and growth are the gods that Wall Street understands. Ultimately, it’s Wall Street that sets the price of your stock. It’s Wall Street that’ll turn your shopping into your nest egg. And why $4 as a goal? Because that’s the minimum trading price that allows us to list on the NASDAQ.
On August 1, three things happen.
- First, we’re focusing exclusively on stock as a reward. We will no longer offer cash back.
- Second, as part of the journey to $4, we’re increasing the price at which we sell our stock to $.18/share, up from $.15/share.
- Third, we’re raising the minimum investment in our direct offering (that is, buying stock directly from us) to $1,000. People who want to invest less than amount will use their stock broker (like TD Ameritrade) and buy our stock on the stock market, at whatever the price is at that moment.
We think it’ll help the stock price move up. More on that thinking here.
What can you do in the short term to help the stock price move up and take advantage of the change in price?
- Shop. Don’t forget Amazon. Get the iConsumer Button. Don’t forget to tell friends who shop online (you get shares, they get shares, we make money). At the end of the day, it’s shopping that’s going to make us all very happy.
- Consider converting your cash back balance to stock. Do it before the 8/1 to get more stock. It’ll improve our balance sheet and reduce our cash burn.
- Consider investing directly in iConsumer at $.15/share instead of $.18 (the price after July 31). That money gets spent on marketing to acquire more members. More members, more shopping, more shopping, more revenues, more profits, and maybe, just maybe, a higher stock price.
For more details, please check our support article: FAQS – 100% Stock Back.