Small Trades Have Big Consequences

By: Robert Grosshandler | October 7, 2022

iConsumer is about 80,000 shareholders, and “shareholders in waiting”. Mostly first time investors in a startup, let alone a “public” startup. We believe part of the appeal of being an investor is the journey, not only the destination.

screenshot of E*Trade stock graph for RWRDP trades activity

Because of this, the price our stock trades at has outsized consequences. Right now, we’re emphasizing:

A Rising Stock Price Excites Our Members. They may shop more and join faster.
And that might just lead to a rising stock price!

Because we’re so thinly traded, because there is so little float, even small trades can make a big difference. As I tell anybody who will listen, right now not selling, and buying at the top end of the bid/ask, can make a real difference to the growth of your company. Which really goes against my normal, simple (but pretty darn good) advice of buy low and sell high.

As you can see from the most recent trades, small trades (perhaps the price of a dinner?) have moved the price of RWRDP radically.

Trade Data showing date, timestamp, price, change and volume of trades since October 4, 2022

Thanks to all who are helping to make iConsumer stronger by buying our stock.

Don’t have ‘extra’ cash to invest? Remember, you can always earn shares of RWRDP by doing your normal online shopping and referring friends as an iConsumer member. Join today!
