When payday comes, who gets paid?
You may have noticed that Uber has an upcoming IPO and they are worth up to $90 Billion. That’s ‘B’ as in “Boy that’s a lot of money!” That means a big pay-day for…investors.
Not drivers.
Not users.
This valuation is despite the brand being deep in the red, losing over $1 Billion in 2018, suggesting that there won’t be a pay increase for drivers or a cost decrease for users any time soon.
“The drivers who do choose to take advantage of the stock purchase plan won’t be able to afford very much of it. A driver with 2,500 rides under their belt would get $100, which they could use to buy two shares at the expected IPO price of “between $44 and $50,” and it would take them more than two hours of driving just to buy a single share of Uber. ” – Mashable

Are you shareholder in Uber? (If so, congratulations on your payday!)
Are you a shareholder in iConsumer? (If not, why?! You get 100 shares for Free just by making one purchase at up to 2,000 partner stores. Go do it. I’ll wait.)
So, now you are a shareholder in iConsumer and our valuation is…not $90 Billion, but it’s not zero either. We are working daily to grow the business and our last trade on the public market was $0.1295. Would you like to sell those 100 Free share for $13? $20? $40? What happens if iConsumer’s share price goes up to “between $44 and $50”, like Uber’s is expected to be? You – the member/user/shopper/owner of iConsumer – get that pay increase because at that point the Free 100 shares you got could be worth $440.
If our share price goes up, will our investors enjoy a big payday? Yes.
And so will you. Because you’re an owner.
Like every other person who shops using iConsumer.